Thursday, December 21, 2006

Mall Page Module: Main Street

I am considering adding a module to the group page called "Main Street" which will highlight shopping experience sites with a page rank of 500 and higher.

I think it will be a useful section for shopkeepers and customers, and it will acknowledge the hard work and great product line up of stores with that high of a ranking.

It would need to rotate in order to accommodate the (likely) high number of sites in that range.

For the shopkeepers in this section, relevant upcoming holidays will be very important for everyone. Think things like Mother's Day, Father's Day and a whole range of opportunities in between.

I'd love to hear your suggestions for this module and the Promenade.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Mall Page Module: The Promenade

You may have noticed The Promenade on the groups page.


This module I am reserving for lenses that 1. Are on the top 100 lensrank. 2. Provide an entire shopping experience. 3. Tell a GOOD story. 4. Are extremely focused. 5. Have active & participating Mall members.

These will be put in on a rotation basis, according to how many of them there are in The Mall on Squidoo, and good placement for these stores seasonally.

If you have suggestions, I really want to know them.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

St. Valentine's Day

St. Valentine's Day is an important season for shoppers and lovers. I will be creating a section on the mall group page in January that will highlight this upcoming holiday.

I will be looking at lenses that will be especially attractive for this.

If you really want yours included, please email me with which lens you want included, and your reasons why it should be featured.

Remember I'm looking at your lenses, even though I can't rate them again, and I'm noticing where your 'face' or name shows up in guestbooks across the mall!

Participation and support are important!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Impending Permanent Ban

There is one lensmaster whose multiple lenses have EACH CAUSED MY COMPUTER TO CRASH.

It happens every time. I have wasted several hours and lost critical information because of this.

I am also unable to email the lensmaster.

If it happens to me, it will happen to customers, which will ruin the shopping experience for them and for everyone.

Fair Warning: I'll be visiting these lenses again on January 1, 2007. If my computer crashes even ONE TIME because of it, I will PERMANENTLY BAN THE LENSMASTER FROM THE MALL AND ANY OTHER OF MY GROUPS.

How do you know if its you? I have not rated your lenses.

I have spent a great deal of time examining each lens in the Mall. If yours are NOT RATED by me, then, its you!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

You Are The Person of the Year!

It wasn't mentioned specifically, but those of us in the know understand that this Time article applies as much, or more, to Squidoo as it does to anyone, any group, anywhere.

Allow me to quote: "It's about the many wresting power from the few and helping one another for nothing and how that will not only change the world, but also change the way the world changes."

Its a huge responsibility AND a huge need. Wresting power from the few with all the money and influence, power and coldness, is a proud American tradition and heritage.

So your small lenses, your small shops, your small blogs or websites, and your small purchases, will add up to one of the greatest changes global society has ever seen.

This is what Seth means when he says, "Small is the New Big." The better your small piece of 'real estate' on Squidoo, or on the web, the better this change will be.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Christmas is Over!

What??? Christmas is over, what are you talking about?

Within a week, expect your traffic to your Christmas store to drop LIKE A STONE.

For us marketers, Christmas is, indeed, nearly over. With about one week left, we're fast running up to the day that even overnight express won't get gifts there in time. If you've just added a shop to the mall with the intention of making most of your money on Christmas sales, you're too late, except for the most desperate of stragglers.

Once you get through the crush of last minute shoppers, or following through on your orders, its already time to begin planning for the NEXT BIG THING.

The things to plan for are obvious: New Year's Day, if you've got a partying store, Valentine's Day if you have a gift store, the list goes on and on throughout the year. Have you made your plans?

Examine your recent performance during this past holiday season and TAKE GOOD NOTES. This information can be very helpful for you to improve and MAXIMIZE next Christmas season.

Introducing The Mall on Squidoo Blog- Cooperation is Key

Hello Squidoodlers!

As you might have noticed, The Mall is in the process of being transferred to my management. This is going to be a REAL CHALLENGE.

I'll surely do my best to create the NUMBER ONE GROUP on Squidoo to be a great presence on the internet, too.

This is the discussion place. This is where I will listen to you, where I will tell you my ideas and where I can hear yours. This is where we can talk about our plans...

We have great resources with our people. There are great business blogs and sites to help you.

Our Mall will be better the more and more we cooperate.

I look forward to working with all of you!