Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Right From the Horse's Mouth
There we have it! In the forum Gil revealed that the star ranking algorithms will REMAIN A MYSTERY! This is to ensure a prevention of the 'gaming' that destroyed the star ranking algorithms since the beginning of the year.
Behavior DOES have its consequences, for lots of people.
I apologize to you, then, my admired internet commerce confreres, who work so hard to create beautiful and resourceful squidoo lenses for your customers.
So, accepting reality then, we will press right along and find the best advice, the best techniques and the best lenses on squidoo to help you be your best, regardless of star rankings.
You're all stars to me, anyway!
squidoo algorithms,
squidoo commerce lenses
Monday, January 29, 2007
I Follow the Links of Every Lens that Applies to the Mall
I have found a number of problems when I do this. Sometimes the links actually redirect me to a pornographic site.
Other times, when I have examined the lensmaster's main page, I have found unfinished lenses with 25, 30, over 50 five star ratings, meaning that they had a congo line of people giving out high star rankings regardless of content.
However, this lens horrified me more than any.
In this case, I was directed to "Hitler" at videosense. His videos were parodies, most significantly, parodies of the Jewish Holocaust and the SS.
Squidoo has its hands full just with policing adult content. Groupmasters are on the front line of what it means to be squidoo, and as these many things come across my desk, I am responsible to turn them over for TOS violations and for whatever else it is expected of me to do.
It can make, and has made me, very unpopular.
Application to the Mall Group
Here is a screenshot of a lensmaster's page, by ALI HABIB, that applied for entry into the Mall group on squidoo.
I refused the lens today without comment, but found it front and center on an internet marketing group page. On her group page, as I looked once again at the lens, it had FOUR FIVE STAR RATINGS, even if it didn't have any comments.
What kind of groupmaster do you want providing company for your lenses? I reported this lens as a hideous terms of service violation. What kind of group master do I want to be for you?
adolph hitler,
internet marketing,
squidoo lens
Sunday, January 28, 2007
The Long Tail and The Caravan
It was not so long ago that big box retailers, like shopping malls and Walmart, were rightly accused of destroying the small businesses that populated downtowns and supported families for generations. These types of marketing outdid nearly all the small businesses in pricing, selection and convenience. They purchased cheap goods manufactured in foreign lands, offered products that served the same purposes as the goods offered by small, independent retail shops, and did it at far lower costs.
Entire cities suffered great economic hardships because of this change. Downtowns were gutted, and people went to work for these retailers, losing income and lowering their standard of living. Cities suffered from the loss of revenue. Many cities have not recovered to this day.
The internet, and Squidoo in particular, has leveled the playing field of the small retailer with the giants like Walmart. Once again, small shopkeepers, like yourselves, can offer high quality and unusual products, without having the disadvantage of higher overhead that destroyed those small businesses before. Even though those large corporations continue to offer cheaper goods badly made, here is your entry point into the national market, making yourself available to customers who are sick and tired of shoddy products and cold corporate 'service.'
You are in on the ground floor of something very, very big. Squidoo has nearly doubled in size just since I started, and at this growth rate, by Sept. 2007, will be TEN TIMES larger than when I began; and by the end of the year will have over 3/4 million lenses!!!
In order to survive the great flood of lensmasters who are coming, it is critical for you to plant your roots now. Well rooted trees planted in solid earth survive floods far better than green shoots and slender trees poorly planted.
Your lenses MUST be superior, a tough act to follow, submitted to Google NOW, before your competitors come in, looking to overtake what you have begun.
The reality, on the ground, is that many parts of our country are having grave economic difficulties. The new opportunity that Squidoo provides along with those realities means that many people will be seriously pursuing this opportunity. Their financial survival may depend on their success or failure. There will be a lot at stake.
I am already seeing it happen, and you may have noticed it too. There are pure affiliate module lenses that are easily duplicated by anyone who can build a squidoo lens. If one lensmaster seems to have a successful lens on videos, another lensmaster looks over the successful lens and builds one A LITTLE BIT BETTER; with more content, more links, a few more of the same products. A slicker title, better tags, even a better bio, any place where you haven't invested great work in great content, becomes a weakness others can and will exploit. As more and more lenses are built that are just like yours, your potential for attracting buying customers will be more and more diluted. There will be more and more lensmasters competing for the same customers.
Black hat SEO is what will be filling up the Squidoo lens roster in such enormous numbers. By its very nature, black hat SEO takes chances with standard practices outlined by Google; by its nature it takes risks. By its nature it attracts people who are also risk takers.
Viral marketing and social networking means that there will be long lines of networks and 'downlines' all trying to duplicate those things which have been successful. Your own success, if not carefully plotted out and cared for, will be what draws the attention of those who are happy to duplicate your work in every respect.
White hat SEO will be what saves you, what improves your business, improves your google rankings, nourishes the roots of the small business you planted.
White hat SEO tells us that Google NOW LOVES authority. It loves sites that are linked to by others, that get a link on Wikipedia, that bring content to the internet, not just advertising.
Becoming an expert in what you are selling, offering easy contact for your customers, giving information that only you can provide, showing your product and your knowledge in an appealing way; all of these things will help you to be considered an authority by Google and will help your small business grow well in spite of the flood of incoming lensmasters.
We have come full circle back to the value that the original small retailers offered to downtowns in every city in the world, but was lost. Google somehow knows how important those tiny, specialized retailers actually are, and has revamped the web algorithms to 2.0 to bring this back to life.
Lens clustering is an extremely good way to demonstrate yourself to be an 'authority.' As you grow in knowledge of your products, as you research and collect links, tips, techniques, information and increase your collections, the opportunities show up for multiple lenses on related, if not the same, products. Your good content lenses will link to each other, relate to each other, and Google will read this as authority. Build an independent website to which your lens clusters can direct traffic and increase your visibility and your reach. Follow your chosen industry and blog its developments. Just because your squidoo lens is drawing traffic NOW is not a reason to neglect your lens, neglect your small business, or to ignore what the future clearly holds.
The Long Tail can be your great opportunity. It can also be what stretches the market too thin for anyone to make a living. This two-edged sword is what you will need to consider as you gear up your business for the future. Will you do it?
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Lensranking has been ADJUSTED
Now that the lensranking has been adjusted, I'll be posting about how to get your rankings up according to the wisdom bestowed from the 'best of places' that seem to influence the decisions.
Consequently, the plans I have had for the Mall have had to be changed somewhat.
I will discuss these things in future posts. Hang on to your hats!!!!!
mall on squidoo,
niche marketing,
squidoo ranking
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Star Ranking Atrocity
At this time, the top 100 by lensrank has become inexplicable by any of the standards that have been previously used. I have asked for clarification of the algorithms that make this a useful tool for all of us. As yet I haven't received this clarification, which I hope is forthcoming soon.
Until it is, though, and while I'm delighted to see some of our Mall lensmasters rankings improving, my previous tutorials about lenranks and stars are suspended and I consider them to be useless.
As a groupmaster, the tools such as most profitable, most emailed, and top 100 by lensrank could be extremely helpful to assist group members in achieving more, becoming more profitable, obtaining more traffic and becoming more visible to the internet community, both inside and outside of Squidoo.
Until it becomes clear how to use these tools in a reliable manner, I am developing alternative ways to support you and your work.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Affiliate Lenses & the Long Tail Market
Squidoo is quite unique in that it offers many different possibilities for adding affiliate modules to your lens.
One way of approach to this is to add affiliate modules that support the content of your lenses. For example, a lens about a young girl's stuffed animal collection is FULL of content about the specific characters she loves. The affiliate modules that she selected enabled her to offer some of those characters for sale, so if a person became interested and involved in her hobby, they too could own some of those animals. This is a SUPPORT module.
The second approach is to create a lens that is ONLY affiliate modules. One chooses a topic, say garden rakes, slaps up several affiliate modules, looking for every possible garden rake offered by all the Squidoo affiliates, add the tags, and a bio that says 'hello world, this is my bio, I can edit it later' or 'I hope you buy your garden rakes from me.'
The long tail means, among other things, that there are A LOT OF ENTRY POINTS into the market, just as your squidoo lens is. It means if you could easily build a lens on garden rakes, because traffic looking for garden rakes is X per month, adsense ads get X per month, and you expect a residual income of X per month; so could many other people. They can all sit at their computer and in a few minutes have a lens just as compelling and with just as great a selection as yours. The potential for sucess becomes more and more diluted.
Go out of your way to know your products, know what you like and don't like about them, build some credibility with your audience. I expect that Diddl will be a very successful lens as it finds its audience and market, and the audience and market find that lens.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Building Great Commerce Lenses #1
A great feature that can help your sales and the overall look and feel of your lens is the bio feature. It is one of the entry points to your lens, a window.
It is very easy to overlook this, especially when you are busy, but customers do not. Actually, when we signed up for squidoo, our understanding of what we were doing was in one place. After having DONE it for a while, our understanding takes us to another place. Usually, though, our initial bios don't change.
What many lensmasters don't know is that your bio can be different for each lens! My corvette lens doesn't benefit from my bio that I did for the Amish lenses, and vice versa. When I edited the corvette lens bio, it did not change the bio on the Amish lenses. This is a terrific feature for you to benefit from.
The very best lenses all have certain elements in common:
The bio is the best place for why, and why you, to be explained. An excellent bio that explains why you like the products you offer, or why you designed them, why you're pleased with them, is very encouraging for a visitor.
We only have one chance in front of a potential customer. If they feel 'satisfaction' when they come to your page, they will likely come back again and again. This 'stickiness' is what makes for repeat sales and your success as you build. Don't overlook what a strong bio can add to your page.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Tutorial: Five Stars- Genius!
If, after today, you receive 5 stars from me, it is because you have struck me as a creative or marketing genius. Your commerce lens is PHENOMENAL!!!
You have ALL YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW. People look at your commerce lens and say WOW!!!
The five star rating is the best way I have to tell the world that you BELONG in the top 100 ranking on squidoo.
It is the best way I have to tell the world that you are an up and comer!
These lenses, and the lensmasters who make them will receive my unmitigated, solid, continuing support. These are GRANDMASTER LENSMASTER COMPETITORS.
They each have a tight-focused niche. They each have something very special about them. It could be creative, artistic, quirky, humorous, activist, intellectual, informational, it could be anything, but they REALLY STAND OUT IN THE CROWD.
You say Margaret, I only sell T shirts, knit socks, sell breadboxes. How could that EVER get 5 stars???
Even the most pedestrian, ordinary things can be extremely profitable lenses, if you are the phenomenon I think you are.
Now, go out there and blow everyone away!
Tutorial: Four Stars- Rock Star!
If you have received 4 stars from me, this means that YOU ARE A ROCK STAR!!!
You will likely be featured as a NOT TO MISS STORE. I may write a review of your commerce lens and blog it, just for fun. You may discover that your lens is lensrolled into the Mall on Squidoo lens. It may even be favorited. I may have already emailed it to other great lensmasters to see, or to friends or family. I will purposely visit ALL YOUR OTHER LENSES AND THIS TIME, I will do the same. I will email the best ones to other great lensmasters to look at. I will email them to family and friends. If possible, I will lensroll them into one or more of my own lenses or groups. I will keep your best lenses in mind for good contests, or for a review. I will favorite each one that I really like. I will consider you among the first bunch of FEATURED LENSMASTERS.
How do you get this?
You'll have a great intro. You will have great information about your products. Great pictures. Your lens will be focused. Your bio will be pertinent to this specific lens. I will be convinced that you have done everything you can to take care of the customers. Your mugshot will show up in other lenses by comment, you will be participating in the blog, in the lounge, in contests. I will see other lenses in your lensrolls.
A four star rating from me means that you are a winner, someone to watch, and a great example of a great squidoo'er.
featured lenses,
featured lensmasters
Tutorial: Three Stars- Good Solid Lens
Three stars mean that you have convinced me that you are a good, solid business person.
I am willing to email your lens to someone who I know who happens to be looking for your product, or who I am sure would like it very much.
Does it need to be perfect? No, not at all.
It means this:
I can CONTACT YOU. If I have a question, I at least have a way to get hold of you.
You have a good introduction. That means a relevant picture, some sort of introduction that helps me be oriented to the focus of your lens.
No exceptions.
Tutorial: Two Stars? What the Heck Does That Mean???
Two stars for those who apply to my groups mean: NOW we're getting somewhere!
It means you have moved beyond the minimum. You have THREE MODULES, not counting the introduction, all of which have some sort of content. It means you have SOME SORT OF PRODUCT TO SELL TO ME and you are TRYING TO DO SO.
It isn't that hard to get to two stars. If you have previously received a one star from me, and you have improved to this degree, I can add another star to your rank.
Tutorial: One Star: Yes, I See You
I have several groups, each of which have been formed for a specific reason. I am one group-master among many. My standards are my own, please do not expect any other group-masters to use the same guidelines. If you follow my guidelines, I believe you will do better with other group- and lens- masters, as well as your visitors, but these are not something to hold others to AT ALL.
A one star rank from me, as a group master means this: Yes, I have seen your page. I have READ each module. I have noticed the features you have put there. I have seen which modules you have used and why. I do not click on affiliate links or google ads. If you have a link to a website, I DO click on that to see what you are trying to show me. If you show a link for reference or information purposes, I click on that. I look to see if I can contact you with questions. I look to see if I could leave a comment if I wanted to. Unless this is your only lens, I also click on your lensmaster name and see your roster of other lenses. I look at your top lens AND I look at your bottom lens. I look to see if you have ever commented on my lenses, other group lenses, have commented in the lounge, are signed up for contests, and I read any comments other people have left for you.
So, yes, I have seen your page and looked it over carefully. Ihave made a study of it. I know what's there & I know what's missing.
Everyone always BEGINS with a 1 star in my groups.
one star,
squidoo lens,
squidoo modules
Rating Tutorial: No star? One Star? What????
No Stars = Bone Yard.
Star ranking is A MEASURING TOOL. Nothing more or less. It is ALL ABOUT THE VIEWER'S EXPERIENCE. Or, let's say it SHOULD be.
However, most non-lensmasters who see your lens will never rate it at all. If you get ANY RATING AT ALL FROM A NON-LENSMASTER, BREAK OUT THE CHAMPAGNE!!!
On the part of non-lensmasters, ignoring your star ranking isn't unusual. We can ask them to rate it somewhere in the lens, but if they don't, well, they don't and you get no goodies in your lensrank unless they do something else, like purchase.
However, other lensmasters DO rate, but not always. They also don't always LOOK at your lenses even if they rate them. This has happened to me over and over again.
In general, though, for Squidoo purposes, 'no star' means no one has looked at your lens in that way.
Lensrank on Squidoo indicates people's interaction with your lens, so a no star at all is actually WORSE than a 1 star rank.
1 star means someone looked at and interacted with your lens! Someone cared enough to do that. This is all to the good with lensrank.
Paraphrasing a very knowledgeable lensmaster, Chou, who stated in the lounge: A lens that is so hated that it inspires people to give a 1 star, to have all their friends come by the thousands and give it a 1 star, and who leave many really nasty comments is, according to lensrank algorithms, a very successful lens.
It may not be much comfort if you have received a 1 star, but, for purposes of lensrank, it is one more person who has interacted with your lens. Your lens is, at least, 'on the map.'
Star Ratings Tutorial: Introduction
Groups on Squidoo are like the head of our Squid. They are the place that gathers everything up into one squid with lots of 'long tails' that are interrelated.
Groups create 'community.' A community sticks together for a common purpose or purposes, helping one another, sharing with each other and bringing in other interested people that we can all benefit from, and that can benefit from us.
The Mall on Squidoo is just such a squid. From the perspective of a group master, instead of a lensmaster, star rankings are a tool to grow and develop this community. For pure and simple lensmastering, star rankings are also a tool, but of a more personal kind.
There have been a LOT of issues lately with one-star rankings. A LOT of hard feelings and problems have come up over this.
A tutorial and some groundwork is necessary to help us understand what it means when, as a group master, the ranking I give isn't what you hoped for. It is also very useful for you to understand how to get your ranking improved, what the rankings actually mean, and how to use them as a tool to improve your work overall.
Other than that, once you have received 5 stars from me, I can never rate that particular lens again.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Getting Accepted to the Mall on Squidoo
Have PRODUCTS. Something that I can order by quantity, for example, I'd like 3 of these please.
That means I will see PRICING. All of the affiliate modules, when product is shown, also show pricing. Cafepress shows pricing. If you are offering your own unique set of products, you will show pricing. If I see no pricing, then I do not feel good about your lens, because I feel like you are only attempting to promote a MLM scheme. While that may be a worthy cause, this is not the purpose of the Mall on Squidoo.
That means I will see a 'click here to order product.' We are hoping to attract customers for our products. That's the whole point. If there is not a way for product to be ordered, we will frustrate our visitors and make us all look bad.
Service oriented lenses are ok, AS LONG AS THEY OFFER A RELATED PRODUCT.
If there are no products, then there are other places in Squidoo for them and other groups more suited to what you do offer.
I will be revisiting each mall lens to double check that each of them offers purchasable product, shows pricing and offers an ordering feature.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Splensed Repeatedly
Hello Mall groupies. I'd like to announce that your new friends and mine are splensing me. What is SPLENSING? I am being spamdooed with lenses! Yes, that's right, squidoo lenses!
Who on earth would be doing this to YOU, Margaret?
Our new parasite 2.0 pals who use lame, black hat seo, have driven all of our great lenses down the rankings so they could have top lensrank spots. To get famous and rich REALLY FAST. All in the name of OFFERING YOU A GET RICH QUICK OPPORTUNITY TO DIE FOR!!!
Silly me. Why would I want to withhold the awesome opportunity for you to also get splensed and taken for a ride by every cockamamie scheme the internet dreamers can regurgitate in our direction? I mean, who wouldn't want that????
Not happy. No, not happy at all.
see this from my extremely plentiful emails:
Howdy, Groupmaster!
thevideosense wants to add a lens to your Group "Catholic Lenses": http://www.squidoo.com/groups/catholic.
The lens pending your approval is Official Squidoo Personals Site Find Lensmasters in Your Location.
Howdy, Groupmaster!
thevideosense wants to add a lens to your Group "Americana": http://www.squidoo.com/groups/americana.
The lens pending your approval is Official Squidoo Personals Site Find Lensmasters in Your Location.
The list is going on and on and on.
No. Not happy.
black hat seo,
lame 2.0,
parasite 2.0,
parasite seo,
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Attention Please! By Invitation ONLY
I have a new group on Squidoo, called "By Invitation Only." All of us in this group are on the prowl to find the VERY BEST LENSES ON SQUIDOO. We LOVE great lenses! The results will be secret until we're ready to publish our listing. Awesome things are going to happen....
Rankings, stars and other games mean NOTHING to this group, so even if you're a newbie, if you have built a lens you're proud of, submit it to the companion lens here: By Invitation Only
There is a plexo for non-commerce lenses and one for commerce lenses.
So, what could possibly mean something to this group, if stars, rankings and paid-for slick blurbs do not?
Hint: intelligence is a GOOD THING.
Hint: creativity is a GOOD THING.
Hint: commenting is a GOOD THING.
Hint: participation is a GOOD THING.
Hint: good biographical lenses are a GOOD THING.
This group is going to do something awesome! Its already in the planning stages.
There are plenty of bright stars in the Mall group, and so, I think you're the only group who has been notified. This is the only public announcement that will ever be made about this. Good luck!
Vote the Holidays on the Mall on Squidoo
I've created a plexo with various holidays that I will be considering for promotion on the Mall on Squidoo. You can see the plexo here: http://www.squidoo.com/squidoomall/
So, since it is on its own lens, and everyone can visit, the primary holidays we promote could actually be a surprise. Who knows what will be added?
So, be prepared, watch the plexo, and notice any new additions. Something may show up that could really give your business a boost!
So, since it is on its own lens, and everyone can visit, the primary holidays we promote could actually be a surprise. Who knows what will be added?
So, be prepared, watch the plexo, and notice any new additions. Something may show up that could really give your business a boost!
Easter Is Coming!!!
Easter is coming, Squidooers, and have you thought about how your commerce modules can be tweaked for that blessed event?
Lets put the thought in those eggheads and start creating ways to make a really nice presentation for that and for the other holidays.
I'm thinking of doing a plexo to figure out which holidays you'd like to see the Mall present. Only the ones who visit the blog will know about it, so they'll be the ones doing all the voting! They'll also be the ones who know when to apply for front and center, won't they?
I'm not especially pleased with the participation so far, but we've only just begun. Out of over 200 members on the mall that I nurse, care for and RATE, I haven't seen very many of your beautiful mugs on my lenses. Funny how I notice things like that.
Most of the Mall lenses are very good and I'm sure we can do some GREAT business.
I look for you...
Friday, January 5, 2007
We Have A Mall!
Finally I have created a Mall page with EVERYONE on it!
Just like an enormous lens, ALL of our shops show up on the mall, each module grouping them in some sort of theme.
It was an enormous amount of work. I am sure it isn't perfect.
Putting everyone on the page has, it seems to me, given everyone a level playing field. Your store, the picture and its introduction is hopefully attractive enough to draw people into it.
So, I wish everyone the best. I hope you are marketing The Mall to everyone you know, just as you would market your own lenses. The more traffic we can all bring to this landing page, the more interest and sales we will all generate.
I look FORWARD to your comments and suggestions. We are all in this together!
Just like an enormous lens, ALL of our shops show up on the mall, each module grouping them in some sort of theme.
It was an enormous amount of work. I am sure it isn't perfect.
Putting everyone on the page has, it seems to me, given everyone a level playing field. Your store, the picture and its introduction is hopefully attractive enough to draw people into it.
So, I wish everyone the best. I hope you are marketing The Mall to everyone you know, just as you would market your own lenses. The more traffic we can all bring to this landing page, the more interest and sales we will all generate.
I look FORWARD to your comments and suggestions. We are all in this together!
Valentine's Day Module
It was tough to choose, but I have featured 5 lenses in the Valentine's Day module.
We have over 200 members in the Mall, and I want to create spaces and places on the landing page to show off as many of you as possible.
This means I'll be thinking about different options for showing off the great lenses, and I'd like your ideas.
Here we go... it (hopefully) will be a big year for the Mall on Squidoo and all its members.
Monday, January 1, 2007
Today is the Day
I had posted on the lensmaster's lounge, on the Mall page, and on this blog, that there was a lensmaster who was at risk of being permanently banned from The Mall on Squidoo, and from all of my groups.
Fortunately, even though the 'contact me' was not enabled on their lenses, they had contacted me on another matter, and I asked them to fix their lenses.
However, I have heard nothing from them since.
So, today is the day when I look at the lenses again. If these lenses make my computer crash again, I will ban this lensmaster from my groups.
I really don't appreciate being put in this position, and I don't appreciate being completely ignored, especially when managing the Mall on Squidoo takes a lot of my time.
Happy New Year, Everyone!
All of expect BIG THINGS from Squidoo this year! It is growing so fast, it is astonishing. A big THANK YOU to Seth and all the Squidizens for such a great job.
Now, its time to get your commerce modules fine-tuned and gorgeous. If this is the first year for your business, if you keep track of your traffic and sales as you progress, you'll have an enormous resource for improving and planning the following year.
The next good holiday for shopping is in just 6 weeks, and if your commerce lenses aren't ready very shortly, you'll miss that boat.
I've also added a specific group for Valentine's Day, that I am hoping to market in such a way as it gets us more traffic to our stores. There's nothing wrong with putting your store in both groups, if your products belong there. Adding your stores to groups also seems to increase lensrank!
Let me know if you have suggestions, and if you have marketing ideas that will improve The Mall on Squidoo. The better the Mall does, the better you'll do, too!
e commerce,
the mall online,
valentines day shopping
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