Saturday, April 14, 2007

While We're Waiting to Hear....

You may have noticed the new arrow at the top right corner of your pages, which directs visitors who have just arrived on your page to immediately leave for a 'stumble' which takes them to the #1 in the topic category your lens belongs to.

Like Digg, it assumes a 5 second attention span on the part of any visitor and gives tham a command to take them elsewhere.

Most good lenses require more than 5 seconds to get a sense of what is really on the page.

Most good lensmasters are working very hard to drive traffic to their own lenses just to have it, what?, driven out???

The stumble arrow will be up for at least another week. I can't make any new decisions about what to do with and for the Mall group until I know how this is decided.

It is much too much unremunerated work to examine and organize over 700 lenses into a pleasant browsing experience for potential customers, just to have them bounced around squidoo like superballs. I am going to use this time to take care of some of my lenses and other projects, and will begin work on the Mall groups again when I know what is going to happen with this new feature.

In the meantime, for your enjoyment, take a look at this.

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