Well fellow commerce merchants, based on Megan's posting on the squidblog last week, it looks to me like the stumble arrow will be staying. The announcement hasn't yet been made, and so it isn't official.
Further, jeffryv, lounge moderator, made the point that Stumbleupon has a commerce section where merchants pay $.05 per showing to a stumbler. The benefit of it is that there is nothing else showing but your website when the individual stumbles, no adsense for anyone else's benefit, no other advertising, just your own page.
So, clearly Squidoo headquarters sees some potential for income and for interest among people for a stumble through Squidoo.
I expect Megan to announce with a couple of days Squidoo's final decision, how it will be implemented, what we can expect, and how they think it is best for us as lensmasters and merchants to use it.
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