Friday, March 30, 2007

Cuban Missile Crisis #1

John Fenzel, being a true hero, rode in on his white horse at the very last minute and won the OFFICIAL Squidoo Lens of the Year!

The Lens of the Year is Cuban Missile Crisis Lens, a lens that has been deserving of such an award since the day he wrote it.

Though not selected as Lens of the Day, John's other lenses are equally as stunning, such as The Peloponnesian War (a personal favorite of mine, The Balkan Wars, Carl von Clausewitz, and Vietnam: We Could Have Won; all of which comprise a corpus of work that is second to none, anywhere.

In other extraordinary contributions to the Squidoo community at large, John masters the History Group, and is a jurist on the grassroots Squidoo Lensmaster's By Invitation Only panel for the People's Choice Awards.

Congratulations to John Fenzel!

DESERVING Winner of the Official Squidoo Lens of the Year Award!!!

Big Day at the Blog- Spam: Its NOT What's for Dinner!

Thanks Gil, for the announcement about the measures to deal with the tsunami of spam.

Read his blog here, folks!

He thinks 10 spammy lenses was bad, good thing he didn't get a REAL dose of it!

Thank you Squidoo for helping with this!

#1 MP Today!

Today, I have SEVEN lenses on Squidoo's top 100 Most Profitable list. I also have the #1 listing!

It wasn't intentional, to be sure! Who would ever think that a lens about Catholic Apparitions and Miracles could draw some business?

Well, the folks who have survived the Rwandan Genocide will be thankful, I'm sure!

When will I see YOU on the top 100 MP???

Remodeling: Starting with the Rock Stars!!!

When I took over the Mall group, it had approximately 50 members. It didn't grow much at first, and my own commerce lenses were a LARGE part of the population.

By next Monday, I expect to have over 700.

I am going to update my Squidoo Mall lens today. This will be useful to you to know the minimum standards and what to check for on your lenses.

For the remodeling, I'M STARTING WITH THE ROCK STARS!!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What it Takes to Be #1- John Fenzel

Fabulous John Fenzel on his Stumbleupon Blog today quotes Vince Lombardi:

Winning is not a sometime thing; it's an all time thing. You don't win once in a while; you don't do things right once in a while; you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing. I have finished second twice in my time at Green Bay, and I don't ever want to finish second again. There is a second place bowl game, but it is a game for losers played by losers. It is and always has been an American zeal to be first in anything we do, and to win, and to win, and to win. Continued.

Another brilliant man who deserves the award Lens of the Year for his Cuban Missile Crisis, or any of his other work, for that matter.

He has an uncanny sense of timing...

King-Maker or King: What Squidoo Can Teach You

I'm SO GLAD I'm NOT a politician!

As groupmaster, it falls to me to be sure that as many of my group members know about important community events as possible.


As community members, it seems to me to be important to give everyone all the opportunities possible to make it better, more responsive and give greater chances to everyone to succeed, increase traffic, improve sales.

As a community member I've been disappointed in the participation level in the Lens of the Year award. It is an important, VERY IMPORTANT contest that gives the internet pubic something promoted as the BEST of Squidoo.

Those are the things that determine how squidoo looks to outsiders! Those are the things that help determine the quality of traffic that comes into squidoo from elsewhere. Those are the things that determine whether we will have people wanting to shop, visit stores, check out our informational pages, even create lenses of their own and become another member of our community.

So, taking it seriously, I have been emailing many, many members who, it seemed to me, to have a real interest in the outcome of that contest.

The response has been dismal at best. There are many business people who don't even have their 'contact me' function enabled.

So, while Squidoo has itself received an award as a community that has 'Passionate Users,' it surprises me how few within that community are passionate at all, even about their own businesses.

I have discovered, about myself, that I am a campaigner. A King Maker, not a King. If I wanted to have someone be passionate about something, I would want someone like me to get involved.

Now, back to doing what I can to make Squidoo the best it can be....

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Trail Blazers- Dino Dino

Trail Blazing!

Yes, Dino, and me, and YOU are trailblazing what is possible for small business with Squidoo. We are right at the beginning of this great adventure, in the place where the 'rubber meets the road', at that spot where the promises that have been made, the potential that is there, meets the reality of hard work, persistence and goal setting.

Yesterday I posted that I have 7 lenses on MP. I have 14 lenses with some amount showing on the dashboard.

DinoDino also has 7 lenses on MP.

His work is TIGHT. His lenses, if you are looking for certain things, are really exacting. You get the information you need, that you want, and not more.

He is an excellent example of what a committed Squidoo business person is, at least in my estimation. He offers clusters of related products, all in his inimitable style. Once a person gets to know him, they know what to expect. Clients LOVE that.

Change just for the sake of change gets tiring to people and they see it all the time anymore. They like to know, if they go to Dino's pages, what to expect. They like to know what to tell their friends and have it be exactly as expected. They can rely on Dino, and they'll send their friends.

That is the best way to a 'passive' income.

Congratulations at the beginning of a very lucrative career, Dino. It is a great pleasure to watch your business grow, lens by lens, MP by MP.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Over 600 Mall Members!

Today I have gone through the huge line up of applicants and, out of the ones approved, have now exceeded a membership of 600 commerce lenses!

I also have the distinction of having 7 lenses on the Most Profitable list, and one lens at #2 lensranking today!

I am receiving about 50 good applications to the Mall per week, or more. Does anyone doubt that by the end of the year we will have several thousand members?

We will! We will also have MANY DUPLICATES and MANY COMPETITORS for the traffic that is getting drawn into squidoo.

There are a LOT of decisions I'll be making over the next few weeks.

We want the Mall to be the best we can make it, and the best draw for traffic we can create.

If you have a lot of competitors in Squidoo, then perhaps you want to take a new look at your lens and make sure it is REMARKABLE. At least, to me.

My goal is to turn as many of you as possible into well known small business people who are making an extremely good living from Squidoo. I'm on my way, are you?

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Being Remarkable- Storytelling & Business

Director Tom, a fabulous Squidooer and remarkable storyteller, is having remarkable success with his business, with his fan base, with his blog. His business is making corporate videos. His passion is storytelling.

Why is Squidoo useful to him? Because it is a point of conversation and interaction with people who want their businesses to benefit from remarkable storytelling.

"Being Remarkable" as Seth Godin puts it aren't just pretty words. Not only is it crucial to live an interesting life, but it is crucial to a successful business venture. Read how Tom is being 'remarked on' by All Blog, Nettie Hartsock.

If you are being remarkable, like Director Tom, then people are remarking on you and your business, and they are likely doing it in an interactive way. Read Tom's terrific interview with Nettie Hartsock.

Squidoo is a CONVERSATION. It may only occur by email, or through interactive blogging, but it is a conversation all the same. Here is Tom's remarkable conversation with the ever remarkable Liz Strauss.

You cannot neglect your conversations in Squidoo if you wish to become, and to stay remarkable. Participate. It is social networking at its finest. Wonderful things can and do happen.

The alternative to being remarkable, something to remark to others about, is to be irrelevant. To be so boring that NO ONE wants to interact with you.

You can learn a LOT about being remarkable, in life and in your business, by reading Director Tom's website, his squidoo pages.

Friday, March 23, 2007

How Do the Rest of Them Do it?

The bark park group had a meeting tonight, where they are asking for my help cleaning up that HUGE PLACE. I've been a little preoccupied with my business and my squidoo lenses, and honestly don't/can't spare the time.

However, there is ONE person at the group who has been a BIG FAN of my David lens since the day I published it. She knows that the lens is up for the Lens of the Year, and she thinks it should be.

She visits it often, has emailed it to her sister and friends and to all her email list, and, while they may or may not build squidoo pages yet, they have commented very positively about it.

She mentioned around that perhaps the group would like to help me!

So they were voting at one table, while the rest of us were at other tables having dinner and talking.

All of a sudden, though, they couldn't sign up anymore.

In a way I'm glad. There's been so much gaming of everything that one can go into despair. On the other hand, I have about 600 lensmasters in my groups that I work hard to help, and I've emailed everyone I know, and barely got 40 something votes!

Well, I have promises. I have those who promise to go home and vote for me from their computers there. Is it enough? I doubt it. If I don't do certain non-urgent (to me) things when they're right in my face, I'm liable to put them aside and forget about it until MUCH later.

If you're not a true gamer, you get stopped. If you are, nobody can stop you!

I still have a list of 600 people that want my help, and will want it in the future. How is it that the last I checked, with over 109,000 lenses, we have probably less than 200 total votes?

The winning lens will be the VERY PUBLIC FACE of Squidoo for an entire year. YOUR reputation as well as mine, and Seth's and everyone's, will be affected by which lens takes the day.

Well, good luck to everyone. Let the best lens win!

Michelangelo's David on Squidoo

It is a difficult race for Lens of the Year, and Michelangelo's David is running tight now between 2nd and 3rd place (for now).

If you are a Mall member, and you haven't seen or commented on this lens, please take a good look, rate it and leave a comment here: Michelangelo's David. Then, once you've seen it, go to the Lens of the Year page and vote for your favorite.

It is the community thing to do!

Lensmastering- Most Profitable List

Yesterday when I went to bed, I had SIX lenses on the Most Profitable (MP) list.

This morning when I woke up, I had SEVEN lenses there, not all of which are commerce lenses, but have related items for sale.

Mornings have become much better when, with my coffee buddy Thor, I can see my work becoming productive.

In total, today I have 14 lenses with some amount showing on my dashboard. The MP lenses represent multiple/repeat sales.

I didn't know I could get so excited by a new $6 or $8 showing up unexpectedly!

What fun!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Group Mastering - 2


Groupmastering so many wonderful commerce merchants, and with so many legitimate but similar lenses, I have decided that as part of my Mall re-development, that I would create companion oppportunities.

You may have noticed additional Mall groups that I have begun on Squidoo. These provide, like chain malls, more opportunities to feature lensmasters without directly competing with one another.

As they grow, each will take on its own distinctive character and shopping experience for visitors and, I hope, develop its own 'fan base' and return visitors.

Do not expect to be featured in all Mall groups, since I want to give everyone a great chance to be found by our growing shopping traffic and to be specially featured.

The categories of Mall are ones that the membership of the current Mall group is showing to me, and there may be more to come.

I hope your 'contact me' function is enabled, because if it isn't, you may find your lenses booted and not understand why or which Mall I want you to apply to.

I welcome your suggestions and comments. These are for all of us.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Caution for Affiliates

Affiliate sales are an important part of revenue generation for many Squidoo Mall members. I have had a recent experience that concerns me very much for you.

An affiliate module of my own on a page, using an iframe, recently had its account number changed somehow. The auction went from showing Amish quilts at auction to showing Brittney Spears memorabilia. At first I thought the auction house had changed, but I checked my identical iframes on other pages and those were fine.

It appears to me that someone knows how to go into iframes and change account numbers to take sales commissions, and if it happens to you, you may never know it unless you check them every single day.

A few months back when Squidoo was flooded with a wave of spammers, following their own links revealed a strategy of changing the adsense codes in people's blogs and websites, and without the page owner knowing it, the adsense revenues would be paid to the scammers. I'm not making this up, someone called the scammbuster found the info, took screenshots, and made this proof known to lensmasters, Google, the authorities and to Squidoo headquarters. I saw their posts myself.

Untended lenses with your own affiliate modules are ripe to be plucked in this way.

It is clearly important for you to 'make your rounds' frequently to check the payout account codes in your affiliate modules to ensure they haven't been changed by someone else.

Since I'm not interested in supporting such thieves, as I manage the Mall Group I will be watching which lenses are old and stale and which are maintained and reasonably fresh. I will not permit the Mall on Squidoo to become a magnet for such thieves, and neglected lenses are all too easy a target.

I will be adding a 'what's fresh' module to the group page as a means for me to monitor who's lenses have been freshened recently, and which ones are being neglected.

For the protection of every lensmaster in the group, I will be culling old and neglected lenses, whether they have independent affiliate modules or not. I can't count on my being able to tell the difference.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Groupmastering & The Mall Group #1


I have been remodeling the Mall Group, as I have announced here. It is a VERY BIG PROJECT for me.

Growing Fast!

The Mall group is growing faster than I can get the remodeling done. We now have over 500 members and getting close to 50 applications per week for membership.


There are clearly some gaps in our 'shopping coverage' which I am interested in suggestions about how to fill.


There are also an enormous number of duplicate lenses applying. This should be of great concern to every lensmaster in the Mall, and yet the participation and interaction between Mall members is almost non-existent.

Serious Business People

Having FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE as a small business owner, with the ENORMOUS DIFFERENCE Squidoo can make with the success of a business or a project, it seems to me that it is only the serious business people who should be supported by the joint efforts of an active and vibrant Mall group.

I will discuss these things in ensuing posts. I am very concerned that much of your hard work is being duplicated and plagiarized. I believe that serious people who want to make the most of Squidoo, and the groups they belong to, will be able to brainstorm ways of dealing with this problem and still succeed.

I expect and anticipate your suggestions and comments.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Participating in Squidoo- Duplicate Lenses

There is a dramatic surge in duplicate lenses. In a big way, this is because of the increasing number of affiliate programs that are doing 'mega marketing' to get loads and loads of people who are willing to set up websites for free just to get a commmission on their products.

Here is a blog post from Bum Marketing about how to duplicate the higher traffic affiliate lenses, primarily offering click bank products. Recommending the 'Squidoo Tricks' ebook shilled by Tiffany Dow, and 'Squidoo Secrets,' these combine to guarantee that anything you do can and will be taken and 'rewritten' in order to copy and perhaps 'improve on' your performing lenses. This could indeed be done for any lens that doesn't have original and difficult to duplicate content.

This is also what they teach others who are new to Squidoo but coming in based on their 'outreach.' These new people form groups having 'contests' to vote each other's lenses 'up' (and other's down? its happened before, but I haven't seen these folks mention that as a strategy yet), and these contests primarily vote their OWN things up FIRST, others after, and repeated contests, repeated new people desperate to make a living on the internet, all come along happily for the ride they're being taken on.

Along with the spam lenses (splenses) that this approach creates, which groupmasters see, it poses for you the difficulty of creating the types of lenses that aren't easily duplicated.

As I cull the Mall group, I'll be looking for the telltale signs. I also won't be able to serve lensmasters well if there are too many duplicates of the same type of lens.

While these lens duplicators are coming in by the thousands to supplant the work you have done, consider ways that you can make content the king of your lenses and make things difficult to duplicate. It will help you very much.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Lens of the Year Plexo!

Seth has started a Lens of the Year Plexo, and I was happy to discover that my lens Michelangelo's David was on the list and getting votes! Woo Hoo!

So, if any of you are fans of my work, and my favorite lens, get to that Plexo and VOTE on the David you love!

Thanks bunches for your support!

Participating in Squidoo- Squid U Conversation

Here is a comment I posted in response to complaints about spam lenses in the forum:

RK, yes, it is a VERY TOUGH act to balance for Squid Staff. They MUST show an incredible rise in numbers and interest with as few staffers as possible. They must also prove that Squidoo has Google juice which keeps many of my lenses on the first, second and third page! It is an amazing achievement.

On the other hand, if all kinds of 'squid-crap' also gets high Google rankings, it will REALLY damage the real prize Squidoo offers and it will get terrible labels from people outside of squidoo.

Staff has to find a way to both grow at light-speed and to keep the squid-crap from flooding and damaging search engine results on Google, or that 'juice' will dry up FAST.

Lensmasters are the content providers that make Squidoo really good. They can earn money for the content but aren't 'paid providers.' In the same way, certain lensmasters are the advertising providers for Squidoo, earning money for doing it but aren't 'paid providers.'

Squidoo knew what was coming, so they went out of their way to get some 'heavy hitters' in the content arena before the oncoming flood. They got National Geographic, Martha Stewart, Rolling Stone Magazine, Jane Goodall.

So, Squidoo has these as a 'foundation'.

Next thing to do is to get the really committed lensmasters to organize the provided content, which is the future of Squidoo, so they started groups.

The groups use committed people like KCStargazer, Relache, Damon and Me to police and judge content for certain purposes so that all the good content won't be washed away in the endlessly repeating floods. Good lensmasters work hard to get their groups and the content in them to rate high in Google.

It is a masterful strategy and it is working so well. As a result, using lensrank as a purely motivational tool for newbies means that the inbound streams of new lenses will continue at about 1 lens per minute, +-, and the work of sorting it out is done by the groupmasters.

If ever accusations are made that Squidoo is little more than a haven for splenses, it is very easy to show off these great groups- who could then say there is no content here?

As the groups build up with time, as they are, they will rise taller over the flood of crap lenses. The duplicates, the get rich quick stuff, the affiliate only stuff, the intro only lenses will eventually sink to the bottom, and all the congo lines of people who brought their competition in with them will all find their low level.

The good content will stand out through groups.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Participating in Squidoo- Google's 0.02% Rule

Hype is one way that Google determines whether a website is worthy of a high page ranking. We have been told that Google algorithms consider any superlatives of over 0.02% to be overly hyped, and such websites drop and will continue to drop in the Google page rankings.

Our new Mall ranks quite high in Google rankings, and my intention is to make this a brand new internet shopping experience for people who have never tried Squidoo. So, when Google makes it generally known that their algorithms now account for hype, then this must also be a concern to me to keep our page rankings high and increase our traffic.

Furthermore, a 'hype factor' higher than Google algos allows puts Squidoo at risk overall. Right now we are highly favored by Google and as we have seen, that favor could/can/has changed overnight for many a website!

As I remodel the Mall on Squidoo I am observing the amount of hype and superlatives in each page. If there is going to be highly complimentary descriptions, I would like them to be in the context of the Mall group!

Just one overhyped lens means there can be no superlatives of any kind for the next 98 lenses!

Take a new look at your lenses, your titles, your descriptions and your tags and minimize the hype and superlatives that you use. This way your lens won't be an overall drag on the page rankings the entire Mall can receive from Google, and all the efforts I make to improve our Google presence won't be hampered.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Participating In Squidoo- You Affect Others

The groups you belong to can be an excellent source of support.

You can visit other lenses, even competing lenses, and learn a lot about what makes a good and profitable lens or what could improve your business.

Group masters, on occasion, create project and activities to benefit everyone in the group, or at least responsive lensmasters. Those things increase your visibility, give you a chance to see what kind of a difference some things can make, and get you better known among Squidoo lensmasters.

If your groupmaster asks your participation, give it!

They have LOTS to keep track of so they don't leave anyone behind. Make the necessary list-keeping to a minimum and try to be there for your fellow lensmasters.

It will create a great reputation for you!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Participating in Squidoo- More on Groups

As I mentioned before, groups and group masters are your best friends. Just joining a group will help increase your lensranking and traffic. First, applying to a group gets you at least ONE visitor. One visitor to your new lens is traffic, is movement, and that is very important to Squidoo. It might also get you a star ranking of some sort, 1 to 5, which is an actual interaction with a viewer and a sign that it is at least attractive enough for someone to 'do something' with your lens.

A group is a collection of lenses that are related somehow, according to the mind of the groupmaster. They have an idea of how they will promote the group, what it is about, and what keywords will get the group as a whole a decent and improving google ranking and traffic.

Just like Google likes it when a website has reciprocal, similar links, so too do you benefit by having your lens in a group with similar lenses. The group page can be a 'landing place' for potential audience or customers from outside of Squidoo, and from there it is easy to find all the other lenses that may interest a visitor. This is known as the proximity effect or even viral marketing.

When you are ready to join groups, it is an extremely good idea to look the group page over carefully and see what the groupmaster is doing with and for the group. They may have posted minimum standards and, before you apply, be sure your lens actually meets those minimums. If you have any questions or doubts, email the group master. They are interested in having their groups be the best they can be, having a great selection of lenses to offer visitors, and perhaps filling some gaps the groupmaster might see. Group masters appreciate contacts prior to application. It gives them a chance to give you a little guidance in what works best in the group, what may be improved on your lens, and some additional ways you may fit in.

They can also advise you if there are any contests, resources, blogs or project that they have developed that may be very good for you. Participating in activities can increase your visibility, improve your lensrank, and give you some great ideas for new modules or marketing ideas that could increase your sales or traffic to your blog or website.

Once you are accepted in a group, once a week check in at the group page or resource your group master has provided. Comment on the page if there is a module. Vote on the plexos. If the groupmaster is looking for other lensmasters to do a round robin or group lens visit, be available to do that.

You might discover your groupmaster has submitted your lens to LOTD, or in a contest that will bring you a lot of visibility. You may be blogged, or dug, or submitted to delicious by your group master. Each one has their own ideas of what to do with the group.

Groups also give you an opportunity to lensroll similar lenses and help you to become a tour guide for visitors.

Being in a group, or more than one, means that you have others interested in your success, not just you alone.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Participating in Squidoo- Groups


Be Outstanding or Be Washed Away!

The sea of Squidoo lenses is, like MySpace, filling fast.

How is it you will stand out in a crowd? How will your lens, your one little lens, will show up amongst hundreds of thousands or even millions?

It will be groups that make your little lenses stand out, stand up, be counted, be FOUND.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Participating in Squidoo- Lensrolling

The Right Side Bar:

The right side bar on your lens is mainly wasted space, especially if there isn't much that you've done to make use of it. Squidoo has given you several limited options for using that space, otherwise it is available to them for any type of advertising they want to do, either with their new plexos, or with Google ads, or both.

It is really important for you to use ALL the space available to you in the best way possible for you.


Since links are everything in the internet era, at least if you have a page of some sort, the Squidoo set up has provided a number of ways for you to 'link up' and the lensroll is one of the best ones.

It is very, very easy for lenses to get really long. Just getting the best information and links on a lens takes up lots and lots of 'real estate' on your page. It is extremely desirable to have as many links as possible on your page, but who wants to give up prime space just for that?

When you are writing your lens, hopefully you are doing it from the viewpoint of the audience you wish to reach. You, hopefully, have some idea about the customers or viewers you are attracting. Your lensroll is a way to reflect your knowledge of them and/or your topic.

Squidoo lenses only

You can only lensroll Squidoo lenses, at least at this time. Because of this, your lensroll is also a useful measure of how you participate in Squidoo, to those who are looking. The lensroll shows in the right sidebar to anyone looking at the page. So, what should you consider when lensrolling?


First, you can save some real estate by linking your other, RELATED, lenses. If you, like many other fine lensmasters, do lenses in 'clusters,' it is a good idea to link them together somehow like a necklace. If you are using your prime real estate on your page for external links, (which is a really good idea) you can still link all your pages together by putting them in the lensroll.

Know your Audience

Second, lensroll the Squidoo pages that WOULD INTEREST YOUR VISITORS. I can explain this best by example. Michelangelo's David audience is likely to have several different types of interests. Fine art and sculpture. History. Catholicism. Photography. Travel. Michelangelo. The Renaissance. For the David, the list goes on and on.

So, as I cruise through Squidoo, if I happen across a particularly wonderful lens on a topic that I believe would be of interest, and to the taste of, my David readers, I put it in the lensroll.

The same is true of some of my Amish lenses. For example, if someone is interested in Food, I lensroll other lenses that a foodie might really like.

Squidoo is growing fast

Your audience will have a harder and harder time finding you in the middle of Squidoo, as it adds lenses by the thousands. If they are repeat customers, because they have bookmarked your page, your page can become their 'landing spot' for them at Squidoo. Your lensroll will be, in effect, their 'Squidoo Tour Guide'- a place where you share special things at Squidoo for their benefit, a place where they can easily find what is new in their interests. This increases the 'stickiness' and the return visits to your pages.

One way people browse the web is to bookmark favorite spots, and when they arrive at that page, go from there. Follow links from there. I have many places on the internet favorited based on their good links alone! That way, I always know where to find something I want. I am a repeat visitor to many sites for that reason. I am not the only person who browses this way.

Lensrolling is an advantageous way of becoming 'sticky' and a valued resource for your visitors. They know where they can find certain links and things of interest.

Stand Out in the Squidoo Crowd

Very few people make thoughtful and good use of their lensroll. Someone may come along and build a page almost exactly like yours, with your links and their text thrown in. How will you compete? Using your lensroll in an intelligent way is one way to do that. It will set you apart in Google ratings, in Squidoo rankings, and with your audience.

As useful as the lensroll is to a lensmaster, very few people even bother to try it.

You be special. You be smart. You make sure you're found by the right people.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Participating in Squidoo- Leaving Comments

Recently someone asked: "Why should I leave a comment? What's in it for me?"

The first step in participating in Squidoo is leaving comments on every lens you see, and you get a LOT out of it.

The first thing you get is an external link to your own work. The web itself is called the interNET, with the foundational implication that we are all NETworking. Web 2.0. Presumably, this is why you joined Squidoo in the first place, to NETwork. Leaving your link wherever possible makes you part of the network, both in Squidoo and on the internet, and makes it much, much easier to find you.

The second thing you get is NOTICED. The lensmaster who wrote the lens you commented on notices the comment. They will most likely look you up and see who you are. They may leave a comment for you, and in that case, extend your own NETwork. You have just gotten a very nice reciprocal link without even trying!

The third thing you get is KNOWN. There are some very interested and influential people browsing lens after lens in Squidoo. There are contests, reviews, talent scouts, lots of things are going on. Those people could do you a lot of good. They look and see who is participating, who is leaving comments. If a lens you have commented on becomes a winner in a contest that is driving lots of traffic to that lens, your comment remains there for people to see. If you've left an interesting comment, some interested people may look you up!

Leaving comments on people's lenses inspires confidence in you, for those who see your avatar or picture in many places. It tells them you care about your lens, your business, you website. It tells them you care about your position, your prominence, your reputation. It is like a 'mini-sales call' or leaving behind a business card for people you haven't yet met.

As I go through and cull the Mall membership, I won't be culling lensmasters who I know are participants. I know this by seeing your comments on other's lenses, in the contests, on the blogs, in the forum.

You get far more out of commentary than you put into it. You're a business person, right?

We're all in this new dance together- or we're not!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Upgrading the Mall on Squidoo Group

Prepare Yourselves! This is the best advice I can give you right now. As Squidoo grows, I anticipate about 750,000 lenses in Squidoo by the end of the year, I really need to re-do the Mall, its structure, and get ready myself for the huge influx of new lenses that want to be here.

To prepare you, I will be doing a series of tutorials called 'Participating in Squidoo'.

I will be using these tutorials as a measure of how much support you will receive from me. Since there are serious limitations to what a group master can do, I must do my best, within those limitations, to make the Mall Group the best it can be.

We all want it to bring more traffic, more purchasers, more repeat customers.

After I have completed the tutorials, I will be remodeling and reworking the Mall group to reflect these tutorials and how you have applied them.