It is a very important layout change of our maxed pages at Squidoo!
The lensroll is now much more visible to your visitors, and is much more important. While we don't know all the details about the new lensroll feature, the longest lensroll I have, on Michelangelo's David, shows 7 items in its lensroll.
The lensroll is meant to be a 'tour-guide' around Squidoo, of your personally recommended lenses. Up until now there hasn't been a limit on how many other lenses you could put in your lensroll. Now, it will require some thought when selecting other lenses.
First, to keep the look of your page as attractive as possible, try to choose lenses that have pictures uploaded into the introduction module. Without that, the lensroll shows an ugly orange placeholder with a question mark. (If you are wondering why your lens doesn't featured in the Mall group, this is most likely the reason).
If you don't have a lensroll, Squidoo chooses the lenses for you. They could be according to topic or tags. These may not be the best selection for your lensroll.
With the many duplicate product offerings, for example, coach handbags, you could end up with all of your competitors in your lensroll.
It is time for all the lensmasters in the Mall on Squidoo group to begin considering how to best use their lensroll. The clutter of the new layout means that anything that will help you keep the visitor's focus on what you want them to see, and what will most benefit them and you, will be much more important as the time goes on.
Next I will discuss various strategies about lensrolling and how you can best use it.
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