Janet21 has a great lens on the top 100, #6 today! Her 50 Kids Birthday Party Themes: Cake & Cupcake Ideas and Supplies is a very hot seasonal topic!
This is a lens that she can continue to work with, and even alter the title and contents to observe which is the most successful and productive for her in any season.
She has an incredible collection, with all the great names to use as keywords, if you are interested in kids stuff. She has Spongebob Squarepants, Winnie the Pooh, Batman, Barbie, and a huge list of other popular and fun cakes and supplies.
She seems to be very successful at drawing oodles of traffic this way.
She also has two lenses in the top Most Profitable line up.
We know that Janet is starting to earn some income on Squidoo! How about you?
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