Kimberly Dawn Wells ran the show on a beauty pageant model (pun entirely coincidental) which was an excellent idea!
Now that we can remove the preparation H for dark circles and eye bags from squidooing, and duct tape to make our butts tight, waists tiny, and boobs high, here's the lineup so far as I know for certain.
Out of 400k lenses, I managed to take 'third runner-up'. Not bad! Last year's contest it was a big 3.5! While less of it this year, the competition was much more difficult. The entire list had fabulous lenses on it made by extraordinary lensmasters. I THINK each of them had been on the top 100 list at least once, and most of them had also won Lens of the Day at some point. If not, they should and will soon, I hope!

(Eye-Squirt!) I'm so happy!
I want one of those banners!
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