Wow the changes since I last blogged! They also will make a HUGE difference in how I see and promote YOUR lenses in the Mall on Squidoo GROUPS.
There is almost too much to write about for weeks on end.
The first change that is good to talk about is the Featured Lenses/Works in Progress lenses.
On your new dashboard you will see little green checks or a grey - sign. This will tell you if your lens is a Featured Lens or a Work In Progress lens.
We had seen the adsense revenues for even the top lenses dropping month by month, due to the increasing number of undeveloped lenses also sharing in adsense revenues.
Headquarters has rectified this and has established a tight tier system for lenses which awards the adsense pool based on quality, traffic and other factors. Unpublished or undeveloped lenses will no longer share in the adsense pool and dilute it for the performing lenses.
Now the top tier of lenses received $3.80 in adsense revenues alone, making such a page worth approximately $900 on the open market! This is without considering the value of additional revenues the page may be generating.
Squidoo has graduated from a purely fun site with lots of potential to a serious investment grade site.
As I continue to work on updating the Mall group, this new system restores the usefulness of lensrank when I consider how I will feature and promote the Mall on Squidoo and its member lenses.
NOW is a great time to work on your Works in Progress lenses and make something great out of them~
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