Many of our merchants in all the Mall on Squidoo groups use iframes to bring their affiliate program offerings to visitors.
All that will be over with on Thursday this week.
Squidoo has been continually flooded with spamdoo lenses, and even a hideous number of spamdoo groups, and since our Google rankings and traffic are suffering, as well as our reputation all over the internet, something must be done.
This is one more thing we have to thank the spamdooers for. God bless them, each and every one.
For the Mall on Squidoo groups:
This slows down my own work renovating the Mall on Squidoo groups because of the many iframes that I use, and I really don't want my lenses to lose their visitors because of the dead space that will show up once iframes are stripped by headquarters. So I have to work on my own lenses.
You will need to prepare for this too, and work on your own pages. I won't be able to feature any lenses that have the iframes stripped from them that haven't been adjusted. I'll give you some time.
If you have any suggestions as to how other merchants can substitute for iframes in their lenses, feel free to leave that information in the comments, at the SquidU lounge, or email me and I'll post it here with a link to your page.
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