AtHomeSource has many lenses, and not all of them are in the Mall group. She has shared with us little baby Molly as her 'trademark'- a baby so cute that the planet should crack in half, and makes it a worthwhile visit just to get a look at Molly!
Many of AtHomeSource's lenses have managed to make LR and MP and so this lensmaster is onto something in her Squidoo commerce lensbuilding techniques and her marketing.
Platform Beds with Storage has been a regular on the LR. Most of the modules in this lens are for affiliate sales, which have beautiful pictures and LOADS of information for anyone who is seriously interested in platform beds. Her MP status is gained by having related ebay modules which clearly make sufficient sales to put her on MP on a regular basis.
I'm sure she would tell you that VOLUME of traffic is much less important than QUALITY TARGETED TRAFFIC, the kind of traffic that is seriously shopping this niche, and is very interested in a good selection of quality at a good price.
She also provides a series of really good links for addiitonal information, resources and ideas for the shopper that could use a few.
Currently on MP is her lens Nitro RC Trucks | Gas Powered Monster Trucks for Sale, which makes great use of ebay auctions for this very specific niche. It isn't a long lens, but it has a very tight selection of exactly the items that the title offers. Customers get no surprises here by diversionary tactics, she gives them EXACTLY what they came for.
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