Once again Mall Friends and Members, I ask for your support! My lens, Michelangelo's David, has been nominate for top Lens of the Year for 2007! (Thank You jackclee!)
This has been my highest traffic lens, and well received by all kinds of new visitors. As of today, it has been on the top 100 list for 340 days!
It has been next to Wikipedia on a Google search, so it has a good authority level.
Michelangelo's David has been one of the lenses to bring LOADS of new traffic to Squidoo, one of the pages that bring in well-heeled and interested traffic who like the things that YOU offer!
Yes, that page has some fabulous competition! There are some amazing lensmasters around here that make incredible pages.
If you think that Michelangelo's David brings in the kinds of traffic that you want for customers, be sure to vote for it!
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