Director Tom, a fabulous Squidooer and remarkable storyteller, is having remarkable success with his business, with his fan base, with his blog. His business is making corporate videos. His passion is storytelling.
Why is Squidoo useful to him? Because it is a point of conversation and interaction with people who want their businesses to benefit from remarkable storytelling.
"Being Remarkable" as Seth Godin puts it aren't just pretty words. Not only is it crucial to live an interesting life, but it is crucial to a successful business venture. Read how Tom is being 'remarked on' by All Business.com Blog, Nettie Hartsock.
If you are being remarkable, like Director Tom, then people are remarking on you and your business, and they are likely doing it in an interactive way. Read Tom's terrific interview with Nettie Hartsock.
Squidoo is a CONVERSATION. It may only occur by email, or through interactive blogging, but it is a conversation all the same. Here is Tom's remarkable conversation with the ever remarkable Liz Strauss.
You cannot neglect your conversations in Squidoo if you wish to become, and to stay remarkable. Participate. It is social networking at its finest. Wonderful things can and do happen.
The alternative to being remarkable, something to remark to others about, is to be irrelevant. To be so boring that NO ONE wants to interact with you.
You can learn a LOT about being remarkable, in life and in your business, by reading Director Tom's website, his squidoo pages.
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