As I mentioned before, groups and group masters are your best friends. Just joining a group will help increase your lensranking and traffic. First, applying to a group gets you at least ONE visitor. One visitor to your new lens is traffic, is movement, and that is very important to Squidoo. It might also get you a star ranking of some sort, 1 to 5, which is an actual interaction with a viewer and a sign that it is at least attractive enough for someone to 'do something' with your lens.
A group is a collection of lenses that are related somehow, according to the mind of the groupmaster. They have an idea of how they will promote the group, what it is about, and what keywords will get the group as a whole a decent and improving google ranking and traffic.
Just like Google likes it when a website has reciprocal, similar links, so too do you benefit by having your lens in a group with similar lenses. The group page can be a 'landing place' for potential audience or customers from outside of Squidoo, and from there it is easy to find all the other lenses that may interest a visitor. This is known as the proximity effect or even viral marketing.
When you are ready to join groups, it is an extremely good idea to look the group page over carefully and see what the groupmaster is doing with and for the group. They may have posted minimum standards and, before you apply, be sure your lens actually meets those minimums. If you have any questions or doubts, email the group master. They are interested in having their groups be the best they can be, having a great selection of lenses to offer visitors, and perhaps filling some gaps the groupmaster might see. Group masters appreciate contacts prior to application. It gives them a chance to give you a little guidance in what works best in the group, what may be improved on your lens, and some additional ways you may fit in.
They can also advise you if there are any contests, resources, blogs or project that they have developed that may be very good for you. Participating in activities can increase your visibility, improve your lensrank, and give you some great ideas for new modules or marketing ideas that could increase your sales or traffic to your blog or website.
Once you are accepted in a group, once a week check in at the group page or resource your group master has provided. Comment on the page if there is a module. Vote on the plexos. If the groupmaster is looking for other lensmasters to do a round robin or group lens visit, be available to do that.
You might discover your groupmaster has submitted your lens to LOTD, or in a contest that will bring you a lot of visibility. You may be blogged, or dug, or submitted to delicious by your group master. Each one has their own ideas of what to do with the group.
Groups also give you an opportunity to lensroll similar lenses and help you to become a tour guide for visitors.
Being in a group, or more than one, means that you have others interested in your success, not just you alone.
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