Groupmastering so many wonderful commerce merchants, and with so many legitimate but similar lenses, I have decided that as part of my Mall re-development, that I would create companion oppportunities.
You may have noticed additional Mall groups that I have begun on Squidoo. These provide, like chain malls, more opportunities to feature lensmasters without directly competing with one another.
As they grow, each will take on its own distinctive character and shopping experience for visitors and, I hope, develop its own 'fan base' and return visitors.
Do not expect to be featured in all Mall groups, since I want to give everyone a great chance to be found by our growing shopping traffic and to be specially featured.
The categories of Mall are ones that the membership of the current Mall group is showing to me, and there may be more to come.
I hope your 'contact me' function is enabled, because if it isn't, you may find your lenses booted and not understand why or which Mall I want you to apply to.
I welcome your suggestions and comments. These are for all of us.
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