Easter is coming, Squidooers, and have you thought about how your commerce modules can be tweaked for that blessed event?
Lets put the thought in those eggheads and start creating ways to make a really nice presentation for that and for the other holidays.
I'm thinking of doing a plexo to figure out which holidays you'd like to see the Mall present. Only the ones who visit the blog will know about it, so they'll be the ones doing all the voting! They'll also be the ones who know when to apply for front and center, won't they?
I'm not especially pleased with the participation so far, but we've only just begun. Out of over 200 members on the mall that I nurse, care for and RATE, I haven't seen very many of your beautiful mugs on my lenses. Funny how I notice things like that.
Most of the Mall lenses are very good and I'm sure we can do some GREAT business.
I look for you...
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