No Stars = Bone Yard.
Star ranking is A MEASURING TOOL. Nothing more or less. It is ALL ABOUT THE VIEWER'S EXPERIENCE. Or, let's say it SHOULD be.
However, most non-lensmasters who see your lens will never rate it at all. If you get ANY RATING AT ALL FROM A NON-LENSMASTER, BREAK OUT THE CHAMPAGNE!!!
On the part of non-lensmasters, ignoring your star ranking isn't unusual. We can ask them to rate it somewhere in the lens, but if they don't, well, they don't and you get no goodies in your lensrank unless they do something else, like purchase.
However, other lensmasters DO rate, but not always. They also don't always LOOK at your lenses even if they rate them. This has happened to me over and over again.
In general, though, for Squidoo purposes, 'no star' means no one has looked at your lens in that way.
Lensrank on Squidoo indicates people's interaction with your lens, so a no star at all is actually WORSE than a 1 star rank.
1 star means someone looked at and interacted with your lens! Someone cared enough to do that. This is all to the good with lensrank.
Paraphrasing a very knowledgeable lensmaster, Chou, who stated in the lounge: A lens that is so hated that it inspires people to give a 1 star, to have all their friends come by the thousands and give it a 1 star, and who leave many really nasty comments is, according to lensrank algorithms, a very successful lens.
It may not be much comfort if you have received a 1 star, but, for purposes of lensrank, it is one more person who has interacted with your lens. Your lens is, at least, 'on the map.'
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