All of expect BIG THINGS from Squidoo this year! It is growing so fast, it is astonishing. A big THANK YOU to Seth and all the Squidizens for such a great job.
Now, its time to get your commerce modules fine-tuned and gorgeous. If this is the first year for your business, if you keep track of your traffic and sales as you progress, you'll have an enormous resource for improving and planning the following year.
The next good holiday for shopping is in just 6 weeks, and if your commerce lenses aren't ready very shortly, you'll miss that boat.
I've also added a specific group for Valentine's Day, that I am hoping to market in such a way as it gets us more traffic to our stores. There's nothing wrong with putting your store in both groups, if your products belong there. Adding your stores to groups also seems to increase lensrank!
Let me know if you have suggestions, and if you have marketing ideas that will improve The Mall on Squidoo. The better the Mall does, the better you'll do, too!
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