Hello Mall groupies. I'd like to announce that your new friends and mine are splensing me. What is SPLENSING? I am being spamdooed with lenses! Yes, that's right, squidoo lenses!
Who on earth would be doing this to YOU, Margaret?
Our new parasite 2.0 pals who use lame, black hat seo, have driven all of our great lenses down the rankings so they could have top lensrank spots. To get famous and rich REALLY FAST. All in the name of OFFERING YOU A GET RICH QUICK OPPORTUNITY TO DIE FOR!!!
Silly me. Why would I want to withhold the awesome opportunity for you to also get splensed and taken for a ride by every cockamamie scheme the internet dreamers can regurgitate in our direction? I mean, who wouldn't want that????
Not happy. No, not happy at all.
see this from my extremely plentiful emails:
Howdy, Groupmaster!
thevideosense wants to add a lens to your Group "Catholic Lenses": http://www.squidoo.com/groups/catholic.
The lens pending your approval is Official Squidoo Personals Site Find Lensmasters in Your Location.
Howdy, Groupmaster!
thevideosense wants to add a lens to your Group "Americana": http://www.squidoo.com/groups/americana.
The lens pending your approval is Official Squidoo Personals Site Find Lensmasters in Your Location.
The list is going on and on and on.
No. Not happy.
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